domenica 7 maggio 2017


A spoken word film for an online  generation.

One of the best ways to improve your English is to listen more.
When you listen, you can't make a mistake! :)
There is a great English listening exercise for you below.
This is a viral video about social media which has had almost 55 million 
views since it was first published ... so it must be good!

English listening Exercise

  1. First watch the video WITHOUT looking at the transcript!!!!
  2. When you don't understand something, click back and watch about 3 times. 
  3. If you still don't understand, don't worry and carry on watching
  4. Watch WITH the transcript. Read along WITHOUT watching the video
  5. Watch the video again WITHOUT the transcript BUT use the transcript if there is anything that you still can't understand 100%


I don't want you to stop using social media or smartphones. 
It's about finding a balance. It's about making sure you are awake, alive and living life in the moment; instead of living your life through a screen."